Category Archives: Vegan

Smoked Tofu

This recipe has been ready for the blog for a long time, and it is finally here!  Tofu is not much by itself, it’s known for absorbing flavors well.  Smoking it adds immense flavors that go well into many types of dishes and turn boring old tofu into something special.  Buying smoked tofu from the store is expensive.  However, smoking it at home is really easy to do!

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Homemade Refried Beans

Refried beans are a simple staple that go into many recipes.  Have you ever tried making homemade?  You’ll be surprised at how simple it really is.  And how good!  I grew up with homemade refried beans, so the canned variety was never good enough.  A lot of canned refried beans are not vegetarian either, and neither was my moms recipe, but that is the great thing about making homemade!  You get to choose what goes into your food.

Refried Beans Continue reading

Summer Roasted Vegetables

I know I said that I was going to embrace fall.  Yet here I am posting about summer vegetables…still.  At the farmers market this morning there were still so many yummy summer vegetables to enjoy, I couldn’t help myself!  There were a few butternut squash, but I have all winter to enjoy the long lasting squash (which is another great vegetable to roast, by the way).  So there you have it, summer roasted veggies with my special seasoning blend!

Roasted Vegetables

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Three Bean Chili

Last week I was all about savoring summer.  I even picked up a few zucchinis at the farmers market this weekend because I don’t want to let go!  I finally have realized however, that I must embrace fall because those bone chilling days of winter will come shortly after.  Nothing says fall to me like chili.  This chili recipe is great for this time of year when you can still get locally grown peppers.

Three bean chili with cheddar

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Vegan Chilaquiles

I am so excited to share this recipe.  Chilaquiles (Chee-la-key-les) is a traditional Mexican dish that is made to use up stale tortillas or tortilla chips.  I dislike food waste, therefore I love recipes like this one.  Recipes that lend ideas to use up ingredients that you have leftover in your fridge.  This recipe is so quick, I almost didn’t get any photos while I was cooking.  A great recipe for a busy weeknight!

Vegan Chilaquiles

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Seitan Skewers with Blueberry Balsamic Relish

So, what is seitan you ask?  Great question!   Pronounced satan, it is a vegetarian meat substitute made from wheat gluten, commonly known as the wheat meat.  It can easily be found at health food stores, or you can make it at home.  There are numerous seitan recipes out there with various results.  It all depends on the cooking method and the desired texture.  Someday I will make a post all about cooking seitan, but today we are looking at these skewers with blueberry balsamic relish!

Serve with CornBlueberry Balsamic Salsa Continue reading

Vegetarian Jambalaya

Vegetarian Jambalya

I have been cranking out New Orleans style cuisine like mad recently.  Cajun and creole foods are my favorites.  Cajun and creole are both cuisine styles that originate from French settlers of Louisiana.  I have always thought of them as one in the same, so today i did a little research to discover the difference.  Here is a quick breakdown: Continue reading

Red Beans and Rice

I love spicy food!  Cajun flavors are always a favorite, but they rarely come vegetarian.  I have adapted this red beans and rice recipe to include all the spicy and smokey flavors, without the associated sausage.

A_Veggie merge

This recipe is made in the slow cooker, making it a summertime favorite.  When standing around the hot stove or oven isn’t cutting it anymore, break out the slow cooker!  I have a small slow cooker (1.5 quarts), which is perfect for two people.  You can double the recipe for a larger slow cooker and have enough for a crowd!


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