Category Archives: Dessert

Cream Cheese Earl Grey Ebelskivers with Blueberries

Cream Cheese Earl Grey Ebelskivers with Blueberries by Alison's AllspiceThis month the recipe redux challenged members to make healthy small bite desserts.  I am not a huge sweets person; I vary rarely make and eat desserts.  As you can see on the Recipes Homepage, I only have 6 desserts posted!  When I started brainstorming this  challenge, I focused on my favorite healthy, small bite meals. Ebelskiver means filled danish pancake; they can be sweet or savory depending on the filling and seasonings used.  For this challenge, I made cream cheese earl grey ebelskivers with blueberries! Continue reading

Cherry Almond Oatmeal Cookies

Cherry Almond Oatmeal Cookies _2

I have a serious problem with good deals at the grocery store.  When I find a good deal, I can’t leave it there.  Luckily, I don’t have the same problem with other things, like clothes or shoes, just food.  Probably because I get so much more enjoyment out of food.  Well, a few weeks ago I found a great deal on dried cherries.  After much deliberation, I decided that cookies were the answer to my deal find. Cherry almond oatmeal cookies that is. Continue reading

Green Tomato Mince Pie

This was my favorite pie recipe as a kid.  Grandma told us kids that it was apple and raisin pie, because otherwise we (I) might not have eaten it!  Green tomato mince pie is different from most pie recipes because it has a tart tanginess that comes from the unripened tomatoes.  This pie is heavily spiced with cinnamon and allspice and is perfect for the holidays!Slice of Pie


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Honey Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Cereal Bars

When I was a kid, scotcheroos were a thing.  Way bigger and cooler than the rice crispy treat.  In my adult days, I tend not to indulge in such treats because of their effect on my waistline.  With these bars I decided to make an exception.  They are my adult version of scotcheroos. I made the ingredients a little more wholesome, and the process a little more simple.

Peanut Butter Honey Bars

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Burst Blueberry Crumble Bars

Blueberries are out of season now, but you can always find frozen berries to use in there place.  I was recently given some local, hand-picked berries that had been frozen for long term storage.  In an application like this one, you can’t even tell that they were not fresh berries!

Burst Blueberry Crumble Bars

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Whole Wheat Chocolate Zucchini Muffins

I wasn’t kidding the other day when I said I was trying to get my fill of zucchini before the season is over.  I’m even putting it in my desserts!  Ha!  If you have never tried zucchini in a baked good, like zucchini bread, or these chocolate muffins, you’re missing out.   The zucchini keeps these muffins moist, which is important to consider when baking with whole wheat flour.

Whole wheat zucchini muffins

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Pecan Cardamom Cookies

I do not usually eat a lot of desserts; I’m just not into sweets that much.  Maybe its because sugar makes me bounce off the walls.  Or maybe it’s because desserts tend to be calorie bombs that don’t lend themselves to wholesome ingredients.  These cookies satisfied all my needs for a healthy dessert, and they even passed the approval test of my fiance’s co-workers!


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